Helping young people to thrive

Our key outcomes



At Farm Club we pride ourselves on curating session plans, delivery methods and outcomes for each child in our care. Detailed below are the four key themes that sit at the core of what we do and what we aim to achieve. Farm Club commits to applying these outcomes to every single session that takes place. We measure success and create reports based on EHCP outcomes and goals, but also on the below principles.


Outcome 1

Emotional Regulation

We look after children from a variety of backgrounds. Emotional regulation is one of the biggest skills that Farm Club develops within each and every vulnerable young life in our care. It is our priority to ensure that we're setting our students up with the confidence and ability to manage their own emotions in order for them to thrive within school and society throughout their lives.

Farm Club's diverse and experienced team give the opportunity for students to develop a toolkit of mechanisms and strategies that they can implement in times of distress and uncertainty, including within the school environment that we know can be triggering for many children. We understand that emotional regulation is a process and journey. Students will make progression at their own, individual pace.

Outcome 2


Compliance looks different in everyone. Our staff curate an individualised plan for each child to ensure the structure and content of sessions is tailored to the student. Compliance commonly refers to obedience but this isn't how we view it at Farm Club. Here, compliance is:

  • the ability to compromise with staff and peers

  • the actions that lead to keeping everyone safe

  • the opportunity to develop relationships and work ethic by observing those around us

  • the improvement of listening skills

  • the teaching of respect for people and belongings

Farm Club is able to develop the compliance of our students using a holistic approach. This ultimately alters negative behaviours without presenting lessons as a reprimand or a punishment, but instead understanding that every child learns uniquely.

Outcome 3

Life Skills & Appetite

At Farm Club we understand that young people do not always have access to learning the life skills that some may take for granted. These skills range from tying shoelaces to cooking to applying for work placements. It’s so important to us that we equip our students with the mastery to walk through their life journey with knowledge and confidence when daily challenges present themselves.

Not only do many children not have free access to these skills, they also have very little desire to embark upon learning them. This is where we talk about students developing an ‘appetite’. Developing the appetite gives students a desire to thrive, achieve and enjoy the things that life can bring. In turn, it increases self-worth, self-esteem and confidence as there is a stronger pull to complete a task than simply being asked to do it. Appetite spans from the literal appetite for food and drink, as diet greatly affects mood and attitude, and extends all the way to an appetite for friendships, an appetite for trying, an appetite for succeeding.

To offer our students the opportunity to grow their appetites and their life skills, at Farm Club we recognise that the activities we present can make all the difference. This is why we always balance choices made by staff with choices made by students, giving the chance to explore and observe where natural interests and appetites are in order to nurture them. This is enabled by a considered balance between indoor and outdoor activities and their frequency.

Outcome 4


The aim of reintegration remains the same for every child that comes to Farm Club. However, this looks different on a case-by-case basis, some students reintegrating back into school, others into specialist schooling and all into society. By working closely with supporting agencies, referrers, parents and carers we are able to tailor our sessions to correlate with targets, outcomes and timescales set out for us for each child. Coordinating with all additional parties also reflects in the students behaviours, providing continuity, stability and consistency in what is delivered to them. It’s important for us at Farm Club to be kept in the loop of communication for the best outcomes.

Farm Club will always remain involved in a students reintegration process, wherever this is appropriate, and will aim to make the transition smooth instead of daunting. Reintegration is a journey and not an end destination - we hope that the skills Farm Club are able to impart on each child are carried throughout their time in new ventures.